Case Study 4
Georgina Hathaway - Studio Manager

The challenge
I lacked the belief in myself to reach the goals that I wanted to achieve. I was struggling to overcome depression and my mindset was going into a negative spiral. I was looking for an unbiased view to aid me in turning around my attitude and approach. I believed that the things I wanted in life were unattainable
The approach
Navin made very clear from the beginning that he was not a therapist and that he could not directly help me with my depression. However, he would be focused on providing me with the mindset and strategy to attain my goals. His coaching style made me feel very comfortable and instantly put me at ease.
He helped me to get to the core of my belief system and personal drivers. Broke down the confusion of the much larger, noisier picture to clearer, smaller and less intimidating targets. He helped me to tap into my strengths and feel more confident to move forward. He also helped me to get a better, less demanding image of who I really am
The outcome
I have overcome my negative mindset and changed my outlook. I now approach things from a different angle. I am much better at appreciating myself and what I am capable of without looking for flaws. I now have a lot more courage to take on things that I previously wouldn’t. I believe in myself a lot more. I have a strategy to reach my goals and feel much more optimistic about the future
Why would you recommend Navin
I would recommend Navin to anyone who is looking to achieve more and at the same time feel more empowered during the process He helps you to understand yourself better and change your way of thinking and relationship with yourself. He is also very honest, both in telling you what he can and can’t deliver, as well as when it comes to giving you feedback. He will tell you what you need to hear and not what you want to hear