Sales Impact Academy Mastermind

The Sales Impact Academy Mastermind has been created for business owners and entrepreneurs. Those who want to be part of a supportive community and have ongoing sales support for their businesses

Most business owners are great at what they do. Great at providing their product or service. However, what they haven’t always mastered is the art and science of selling. This often costs them dearly! They are unable to generate the revenue , income or impact that they desire

Sales is the lifeblood of any business. Without sales you cannot grow, develop to your full potential and thrive.

Though there is a lot of material out there that can help develop your sales ability, there is very little that combines both sales skillset and mindset and develops them both optimally

The Sales Impact Academy Mastermind was created so that you are able to develop not only the key skills needed to be effective at sales, but also develop your mindset and gain the emotional mastery needed to transform your sales results.

The Details

The Academy has the following key aspects

It equips you with the knowledge, skills and tools needed to develop the confidence and emotional resilience required to conquer your inner game.

It provides you with the sales skill needed to further ramp up your sales capabilities.

You will join a community of like-minded small business owners who are in the same position as you. You will have the opportunity to network with and share best practice on a 24/ 7 basis. Potentially they could become your clients or refer you to others who may require your products/ services.

Furthermore, as part of the service you will have access to Navin Jaitly on a weekly basis. He will be on hand to teach, coach and support you to develop your sales skills and mindset. You will access his 15 years of knowledge/ expertise, where he has helped generate over £12 Million in sales , as well as be part of a community of like-minded small business owners. Your sales results and businesses will explode.

What’s included

  • Full private access to online sales impact academy – Sales Mindset and Skillset portal of videos, content and worksheets
  • Join a community of like-minded business owners
  • Weekly group coaching call (60 minutes) led by Navin Jaitly – Calls to include:
    1. Q and A
    2. Mindset techniques/ teaching
    3. Sales Skillset teaching/ techniques
    4. Role playing
    5. Masterminding
  • Bonus training sessions run throughout the year by external trainers on other business related topics

To find out more and have any questions about the programme answered then contact

There is no other Academy that provides sales training in the way that this one does.

Enjoy the learning experience.

- Navin Jaitly -

Let's talk